@inproceedings{oai:toyo-bunko.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007036, author = {Duan, Yu and Duan, Yu}, month = {2019-05-09}, note = {Title: The 7th International Symposium of Inter-Asia Research Networks Theme: Old Maps in Asia: Basic Information and Perspective for New Research Date: December 8-9, 2018 Place: Lecture room, 2F, Toyo Bunko (Toyo Bunko, 2-28-21, Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo) Organizer: Hamashita Takeshi, Research Department Head, Toyo Bunko Present: About 70 people 会议名称:第七届亚际研究网络国际研讨会 议 题:亚洲的古地图——基础信息与研究展望 会议时间:2018年12月8日~9日 举办地点:东洋文库二楼讲义室(东京都文京区本驹込2-28-21东洋文库) 召 集 人:滨下武志 东洋文库研究部长 参加人数:约70人次}, title = {Minutes of the 7th International Symposium of Inter-Asia Research Networks}, year = {} }