@article{oai:toyo-bunko.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005781, author = {内藤, みどり and NAITO, Midori}, issue = {3・4}, journal = {東洋学報, The Toyo Gakuho}, month = {Mar}, note = {Qapγan Qaγan of the Eastern Turks sent his army and attacked Bishbalik, the northwestern base of Tang dynasty on the north of the Eastern Tian-shan, thrice (713, 714, 715, immediately after the accession of Tang Emperor Xuan-zong) in his reign. By my verifying and considering the fragmentary records about these attacks such as the Inscriptions of the Turks, the Annals of Tang dynasty and the documents of Turfan and Pichan, some new facts were ascertained and the reason why the Turks attacked Bishbalik from Mongolia conjectured. The first attack in 713 has been confused with the second one in 714 or considered as a consecutive event, but the commander of the Turkish army who began the attack in the autumn of 713 was Mo-ji-lian, later Bilgä Qaγan, and that of the second attack was Tuo-xi Qaγan. Mo-ji-lian ceased his attack in the middle of September because of a news from Qapγan Qaγan that the engagement of his son with a princess of Tang emperor was arranged. Taking the opportunity of the rebellion of Du-dan, the chief of Hu-lu-wu tribe, at the end of 713 or the beginning of 714, Qapγan Qaγan mobilized three large parties for Bishbalik and attacked again. But they evacuated because Tonla Tigin, a son of Qapγan Qaγan and a commander of a party, was killed on February 7th, 714 when the Turkish army was besieging the seat of Bei-ting (Bishbalik) protector. Meanwhile the Turkish forces went on raiding the cities of some prefectures of Tang around the Eastern Tian-shan from the Pu-lei xuan, where they had occupied first, until April, 714. These two attacks on Bishbalik by Qapγan Qaγan followed his expeditions to Türgiš in 709 and 710. The first attack on Bishbalik was performed on their way to Suyab, the central base of Türgiš where Qapγan Qaγan had made Bars Qaγan ascend the throne after his destroying Türgiš in 710, but Bars Qaγan rebelled. Taking the rebellion of Du-dan who occupied Suyab killing Bars Qaγan as an opportunity and A-shi-na Xian’s expedition to suppress the rebellion, the second attack was performed on their way to Suyab, because Bishbalik was the base of Han-hai army of A-shi-na Xian. In 715, the Turkish party attacked Huo-ba Iltäbär Čač Ashipir at their base in Bishbalik province, who had been a Sogdian chief of Huo-ba tribe of Türgiš and was the husband of Qapγan Qaγan’s sister and came to Bei-ting protector betraying the Qaγan after the second attack in 714. Thus the purpose and place of the third attack on Bishbalik in 715 were different from those of the first and the second.}, pages = {027--057}, title = {突厥カプガン可汗の北庭攻撃}, volume = {76}, year = {1995}, yomi = {ナイトウ, ミドリ} }